Draxxus offers a free service for Corp members as a service to the corp. These are the steps you take:
1. With your main (FW character), create an Evemail to your alt (who would be in Jita to buy the items), dragging and dropping the fits (assuming we're talking about ships), from the fitting window tool to the body of the evemail, and send.
2. Log off your main, logging on as your alt (in Jita). Open the email, click on the fitting(s), and the fitting window tool will open.
3. Lower-Right of the window is the buy all button. Press it. When it populates with the items (give it time to find them all), then in the upper-right replace the '1' with the number of copies of that fit you want to purchase.
4. Create an Exchange contract with your main in FW space. Select all the times you want shipped own (that you just bought), and find/select your main character and finish.
5. Log off of your alt and then on as your main.
6. Go to Neocon>Business>Contracts, and accept the Exchange Contract, then close.
Now, for the courier part to get those items down into the warzone:
7. Go to 'Personal Assets', to the location, and highlight/select the items you want shipped down and right-click, and Create Contract.
8. Select 'Courier' as the Contract Type.
9. Select Private as the Availability type and in the name field type in "Tiv'or" (this is Draxxus' alt in Jita that does the shipping).
10. When you hit 'Next' you'll get a list of characters names. Scroll down until you see "Tiv'or", highlight, and press 'OK'
11. After verifying visually the load you want to ship (no more than 320k m3), press the 'Next' button. You'll probably get a 'Large Cargo Warning' popup. Select "Yes" (as long as it's below 320k m3).
12. You'll be presented with a 'Ship To' page. Put in the 60 Squadron station you want it shipped to (like Saikamon)... it'll do a Search to locate it for you, then press the 'Next' button. Keep the shipment window to 2 weeks. Draxxus cannot ship down every day, and remember he's doing it as a free service to corp members.
13. You'll be presented with a summary page. If it all looks good, press the 'Finish' button, and then on the next page, press the 'Close' button.
14. Log into slack and personal message Draxxus that you have a shipment you'd be grateful if he'd pick up in Jita. Let him know where you've designated for it to be shipped to too. In the mornings when he gets up he looks at his messages and plans over the course of the next few days when he's going to do his shipments. Sometimes he happens to get them down the next day, sometimes a few days later. Be patient. Remember: He's not charging corp members anything. If you must have it quicker, Black Frog will ship it down for a fee.
TIP: You can check the status of your shipment by going to the Neocon menu in the uppler-left of your screen, and from there to Business > Contracts. Select the 'My Contracts' tab, make sure your characters name is selected, and then press the 'Get Contracts' button to the right. There are three status: Outstanding, In-Progress, and Finished. If you change the selection, wait a few seconds and then press the 'Get Contracts' button again. It'll go out to query the system database and retrieve any of your orders with that status.
IMPORTANT: If you don't select 'Courier', or the load is too large, or the destination selected is not to a 60 Squadron base, the contract will be denied. It has to be filled out correctly for him to pick up the load and complete it, including getting it to a citadel that 60 Squadron controls. NONE of the 24th Imperial Stations are 60 Squadrons.
1. With your main (FW character), create an Evemail to your alt (who would be in Jita to buy the items), dragging and dropping the fits (assuming we're talking about ships), from the fitting window tool to the body of the evemail, and send.
2. Log off your main, logging on as your alt (in Jita). Open the email, click on the fitting(s), and the fitting window tool will open.
3. Lower-Right of the window is the buy all button. Press it. When it populates with the items (give it time to find them all), then in the upper-right replace the '1' with the number of copies of that fit you want to purchase.
4. Create an Exchange contract with your main in FW space. Select all the times you want shipped own (that you just bought), and find/select your main character and finish.
5. Log off of your alt and then on as your main.
6. Go to Neocon>Business>Contracts, and accept the Exchange Contract, then close.
Now, for the courier part to get those items down into the warzone:
7. Go to 'Personal Assets', to the location, and highlight/select the items you want shipped down and right-click, and Create Contract.
8. Select 'Courier' as the Contract Type.
9. Select Private as the Availability type and in the name field type in "Tiv'or" (this is Draxxus' alt in Jita that does the shipping).
10. When you hit 'Next' you'll get a list of characters names. Scroll down until you see "Tiv'or", highlight, and press 'OK'
11. After verifying visually the load you want to ship (no more than 320k m3), press the 'Next' button. You'll probably get a 'Large Cargo Warning' popup. Select "Yes" (as long as it's below 320k m3).
12. You'll be presented with a 'Ship To' page. Put in the 60 Squadron station you want it shipped to (like Saikamon)... it'll do a Search to locate it for you, then press the 'Next' button. Keep the shipment window to 2 weeks. Draxxus cannot ship down every day, and remember he's doing it as a free service to corp members.
13. You'll be presented with a summary page. If it all looks good, press the 'Finish' button, and then on the next page, press the 'Close' button.
14. Log into slack and personal message Draxxus that you have a shipment you'd be grateful if he'd pick up in Jita. Let him know where you've designated for it to be shipped to too. In the mornings when he gets up he looks at his messages and plans over the course of the next few days when he's going to do his shipments. Sometimes he happens to get them down the next day, sometimes a few days later. Be patient. Remember: He's not charging corp members anything. If you must have it quicker, Black Frog will ship it down for a fee.
TIP: You can check the status of your shipment by going to the Neocon menu in the uppler-left of your screen, and from there to Business > Contracts. Select the 'My Contracts' tab, make sure your characters name is selected, and then press the 'Get Contracts' button to the right. There are three status: Outstanding, In-Progress, and Finished. If you change the selection, wait a few seconds and then press the 'Get Contracts' button again. It'll go out to query the system database and retrieve any of your orders with that status.
IMPORTANT: If you don't select 'Courier', or the load is too large, or the destination selected is not to a 60 Squadron base, the contract will be denied. It has to be filled out correctly for him to pick up the load and complete it, including getting it to a citadel that 60 Squadron controls. NONE of the 24th Imperial Stations are 60 Squadrons.