- Anthropology
- Fossils
- Dating techniques
- Geology
- The Geologic Column
- The Cambrian Explosion
- Archaeology
- Epigraphic Database
- Finkelstein
- Mesopotamia (religion, history, etc.)
- Neurology
- Unreliability of witnesses (memory)
- Ease of tricking the mind (incl. NLP)
- Neurological disorders
- Physical damage and personality changes
- NDE's
- Free Will vs Determinism
- Biology (Evolution)
- Atavisms
- Biogeography
- The Philogentic Tree (Cladistics)
- Transitional Forms
- DNA (endogenous retroviruses, redundant pseuodogenes)
- Convergence
- History
- Wrong history (OT & NT)
- Exodus
- The "Slaughter of the Innocents" and Census
- Flood Myths and Noah
- Astronomy
- Virtual Particles (Positrons)
- Biblical Criticism
- Midrash and Homer in Mark
- The Gospels in the Jewish Context
- The missing voices (Philo, Pilate, 5,000)
- Pilate
- Common Apologetics
- Aquinas 5 Ways
- Cosmological Argument
- Minimal Facts
- Biblical Literalism (YEC)
- "Die for a Lie"
- Josephus and The Testimonium
- Intelligent Design
- Evolution is "Only a Theory"
- "You can add new information" (DNA)
- Common Counterapologetics
- The Problem of Evil
- Mythicism
- Contradictions in the Bible
- Morality
- God removing the Pharoah's free will.
- Euthyphro's Dilemma
- Bad Morality in the OT
- What's missing from the 10 Commandments
- Slavery in the Bible
- Minimum Wage
- Education
- Welfare
- Equal Justice
Book Breakdowns
- The Rejection of Pascals Wager
- The Free Will Delusion
- Biblical Literalism: A Gentle Heresy
- Faith vs Fact
- The Moral Arc
- The Soul Fallacy
- The Myth of Nazareth
- How Jesus Became God
- Why Evolution is True
- Jesus Wars
- Nailed
- The Bible Unearthed
- Evolution: What the Fossils Tell Us
- Born Believers
- The Homeric Epics and the Gospel of Mark
- The Trial and Death of Jesus
- Anthropology
- Fossils
- Dating techniques
- Geology
- The Geologic Column
- The Cambrian Explosion
- Archaeology
- Epigraphic Database
- Finkelstein
- Mesopotamia (religion, history, etc.)
- Neurology
- Unreliability of witnesses (memory)
- Ease of tricking the mind (incl. NLP)
- Neurological disorders
- Physical damage and personality changes
- NDE's
- Free Will vs Determinism
- Biology (Evolution)
- Atavisms
- Biogeography
- The Philogentic Tree (Cladistics)
- Transitional Forms
- DNA (endogenous retroviruses, redundant pseuodogenes)
- Convergence
- History
- Wrong history (OT & NT)
- Exodus
- The "Slaughter of the Innocents" and Census
- Flood Myths and Noah
- Astronomy
- Virtual Particles (Positrons)
- Biblical Criticism
- Midrash and Homer in Mark
- The Gospels in the Jewish Context
- The missing voices (Philo, Pilate, 5,000)
- Pilate
- Common Apologetics
- Aquinas 5 Ways
- Cosmological Argument
- Minimal Facts
- Biblical Literalism (YEC)
- "Die for a Lie"
- Josephus and The Testimonium
- Intelligent Design
- Evolution is "Only a Theory"
- "You can add new information" (DNA)
- Common Counterapologetics
- The Problem of Evil
- Mythicism
- Contradictions in the Bible
- Morality
- God removing the Pharoah's free will.
- Euthyphro's Dilemma
- Bad Morality in the OT
- What's missing from the 10 Commandments
- Slavery in the Bible
- Minimum Wage
- Education
- Welfare
- Equal Justice
Book Breakdowns
- The Rejection of Pascals Wager
- The Free Will Delusion
- Biblical Literalism: A Gentle Heresy
- Faith vs Fact
- The Moral Arc
- The Soul Fallacy
- The Myth of Nazareth
- How Jesus Became God
- Why Evolution is True
- Jesus Wars
- Nailed
- The Bible Unearthed
- Evolution: What the Fossils Tell Us
- Born Believers
- The Homeric Epics and the Gospel of Mark
- The Trial and Death of Jesus