When you read a romantic novel, or watch a blockbuster movie, or even something as mundane as a soap opera, the girl always gets her man. She always leaves another man, less worthy than this Superman. He invariably beat her, or never had time for his kids because he was too busy with his job, or carried on affairs with someone from his office, or any one of a dozen or so standard reasons. But, she leaves him because she found her true love, her Super Man. In any case there is this unworthy ex that we as the audience find despicable in some way so that her leaving him is justified and the right thing to do. This is a metaphor, of course, but what happens to all those unworthy ? Are they as bad as all that, or do they just serve as a mechanism that allows the plot to permit this behavior of hers? So who are these nameless unworthy ? In fact they do have names and personalities, and I'd wager they are not quit as bad as made out. Why? Because I am one of these, and as a member of t...