The stereotypical risk-taker in society is a 6'2" rugged self-made millionaire, dynamic and all male. The reality is that you can dress an animal up any way you like, but beneath the societal norms lies the truth. The truth is the real person. Like the 'flight or fight' impulse is a similar one that is as crucial to the essence of what is true about the individual. It can be called Acceptable Risk. If you watch a wildlife film, there are often clips of predators and prey in close proximity. A lion may be striding through a plain and close by are seen zebras and antelopes. Why aren't they running away? The answer is simple: They balance the need to run with the need to eat or drink. Evolution dictates that the ones that survive are the ones that can best balance these two necessities. Too jittery (taking flight at the mere sight of any predator), and they starve to death. Wait too late to run away and you'll be caught and eaten. Somewhere in between has to be d...