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Showing posts from March, 2008

Commentary: Pictures

Last night I went to a friends house. He was hosting a cast party for a show he's in. The main room we're doing our social thing in has a table with food in the center and arrayed around it are the small groups of people talking about this or that. Prominently displayed on one wall is a picture. The picture are photos and paintings of 6 famous people. First, is Judas Escariot. Then, there's Mary Antoinette, Rasputin, Hitler, Joseph McCarthy, and finally Bill Clinton. It's obviously a witty commentary because you have what is a collection of disreputables and grouped with them is Clinton, infering that he belongs to this group. Beneath his portrait is printed: "Coming soon". Witty, no doubt, but lost on the person putting these tyrants together on one canvas is the irony, and boy is it rich. It is most obvious the policital leanings of the 'author' of this work. The person, in grouping Clinton with the bad seeds is suggesting that he is too and nobo...

Commentary: Religion - Why it's hard for me to Believe

1. I have been ernest many times in my pleas to ask something of God and I've never received a whisper of a voice back. I've wanted to talk to my Dad, but have never heard any voices talking back. I would venture to say that if I had heard either, anyone upon hearing of that would think I'm 'mental' and suggest I see a psychiatrist, no? How about priests? They say they 'talk to God' and that God 'speaks' to them, but they never claim to have actually heard an actual voice. If all this time the real audio communication is only one-way, how is there any proof that anything is on the other side? 2. Sure, there are stories of miracles, but in your life or mine or anyone we know... When was the last time there has been an unequivical miracle happen that cannot be explained away as anything else but a miracle? 3. When people get a touchdown, they thank God. When they're rescued from a burning building, they thank God. When they're rescued from a pr...

Commentary: What the Future Might Hold

What are some trends I see and the possible directions they might go - Education and Libraries - After high school, I see community colleges playing prominant roles. They cater to needs particular to the area so are more relavent to the graduates, who come out with the skills to 'hit the ground running'. Academic universities I see eventually moving to Cyberspace. Continually rising costs and uncertain value post-graduate-wise will I think allow online universities to gain traction. I believe eventually all academic universities will end up online, save those that require direct involvement (hard sciences). Even with these, there is the possibility of having home labs. They'd be expensive, but how much more expensive than moving on campus and the course costs and books? Likewise, I see libraries moving almost exclusively online. Healthcare - Whether the neo-Nazi's like it or not, universal healthcare, in one form or another, will have to come to the United States. Rem...