Last night I went to a friends house. He was hosting a cast party for a show he's in. The main room we're doing our social thing in has a table with food in the center and arrayed around it are the small groups of people talking about this or that. Prominently displayed on one wall is a picture. The picture are photos and paintings of 6 famous people. First, is Judas Escariot. Then, there's Mary Antoinette, Rasputin, Hitler, Joseph McCarthy, and finally Bill Clinton. It's obviously a witty commentary because you have what is a collection of disreputables and grouped with them is Clinton, infering that he belongs to this group. Beneath his portrait is printed: "Coming soon". Witty, no doubt, but lost on the person putting these tyrants together on one canvas is the irony, and boy is it rich. It is most obvious the policital leanings of the 'author' of this work. The person, in grouping Clinton with the bad seeds is suggesting that he is too and nobo...