Note: Written in 2005? It is a piece rather ripe with self-pity, but as it was done in a melancholy mood in a melancholy time, it is not surprising. There is a saying that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I used to be a big believer in that. Lately, I've begun to feel this may not be the case, and that it may be more a hindrance than anything else. I've had many nights where I've met gals and between happenstance or a few drinks we've wound up making out, sometimes naked, and always with passion. These have been moments where for brief moments I feel a togetherness that may just be lust, but I feel somehow whole and complete. I've had several girl friends. Generally, they've lasted two or three months. During these times there are moments of great passion and extreme feelings. A sense of togetherness was there. I suppose there was no thought of tomorrow, or plans for the future, because perhaps a part of me felt that I had to ...